
This is a list of my journal and conference papers, as well as book chapters, technical reports, and volumes edited by me. You can follow the link to the publisher’s website, or download a preprint if you do not have access to the published version of the paper (in that case, though, just send me an email). If no preprint is available for a certain paper, this usually means that the paper was also published in a revised form; in that case, please refer to the updated version.

Journal papers

  1. Defrain, O., Porreca, A.E., Timofeeva, E.: Polynomial-delay generation of functional digraphs up to isomorphism. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 357, 24–33 (2024). [link] [preprint]
  2. Doré, F., Formenti, E., Porreca, A.E., Riva, S.: Decomposition and factorisation of transients in functional graphs. Theoretical Computer Science. 999, 114514 (2024). [link] [preprint]
  3. Ferretti, C., Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: The many roads to the simulation of reaction systems. Fundamenta Informaticae. 171, 175–188 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  4. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Subroutines in P systems and closure properties of their complexity classes. Theoretical Computer Science. 805, 193–205 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  5. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Shallow laconic P systems can count. Journal of Membrane Computing. 2, 49–58 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  6. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A Turing machine simulation by P systems without charges. Journal of Membrane Computing. 2, 71–79 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  7. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Simulating counting oracles with cooperation. Journal of Membrane Computing. 2, 303–310 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  8. Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E., Rozenberg, G.: Facilitation in reaction systems. Journal of Membrane Computing. 2, 149–161 (2020). [link] [preprint]
  9. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Margara, L., Porreca, A.E.: On the dynamical behaviour of linear higher-order cellular automata and its decidability. Information Sciences. 486, 73–79 (2019). [link] [preprint]
  10. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Complexity of the dynamics of reaction systems. Information and Computation. 267, 96–109 (2019). [link] [preprint]
  11. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Characterizing PSPACE with shallow non-confluent P systems. Journal of Membrane Computing. 1, 75–84 (2019). [link] [preprint]
  12. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A survey on space complexity of P systems with active membranes. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics. 10, 221–229 (2018). [link] [preprint]
  13. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E.: Computational complexity of finite asynchronous cellular automata. Theoretical Computer Science. 664, 131–143 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  14. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: The counting power of P systems with antimatter. Theoretical Computer Science. 701, 161–173 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  15. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A toolbox for simpler active membrane algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science. 673, 42–57 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  16. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Tissue P systems with small cell volume. Fundamenta Informaticae. 154, 261–275 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  17. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Characterising the complexity of tissue P systems with fission rules. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 90, 115–128 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  18. Nobile, M.S., Porreca, A.E., Spolaor, S., Manzoni, L., Cazzaniga, P., Mauri, G., Besozzi, D.: Efficient simulation of reaction systems on Graphics Processing Units. Fundamenta Informaticae. 154, 307–321 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  19. Azimi, S., Gratie, C., Ivanov, S., Manzoni, L., Petre, I., Porreca, A.E.: Complexity of model checking for reaction systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 623, 103–113 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  20. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Monodirectional P systems. Natural Computing. 15, 551–564 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  21. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Trading geometric realism for efficiency in tissue P systems. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. 19, 17–30 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  22. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Ancestors, descendants, and gardens of Eden in reaction systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 608, 16–26 (2015). [link] [preprint]
  23. Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: On the complexity of occurrence and convergence problems in reaction systems. Natural Computing. 14, 185–191 (2015). [link] [preprint]
  24. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Membrane division, oracles, and the counting hierarchy. Fundamenta Informaticae. 138, 97–111 (2015). [link] [preprint]
  25. Mauri, G., Leporati, A., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Recent complexity-theoretic results on P systems with active membranes. Journal of Logic and Computation. 25, 1047–1071 (2015). [link] [preprint]
  26. Alhazov, A., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Space complexity equivalence of P systems with active membranes and Turing machines. Theoretical Computer Science. 529, 69–81 (2014). [link] [preprint]
  27. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Constant-space P systems with active membranes. Fundamenta Informaticae. 134, 111–128 (2014). [link] [preprint]
  28. Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A gap in the space hierarchy of P systems with active membranes. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 19, 173–184 (2014). [link] [preprint]
  29. Manzoni, L., Poças, D., Porreca, A.E.: Simple reaction systems and their classification. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 25, 441–457 (2014). [link] [preprint]
  30. Leporati, A., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C., Mauri, G.: Improved universality results for parallel enzymatic numerical P systems. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 9, 385–404 (2013). [link] [preprint]
  31. Porreca, A.E.: Review of Algorithmic Adventures: From Knowledge to Magic, by Juraj Hromkovič. SIGACT News. 43, 22–24 (2012). [link] [preprint]
  32. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: P systems with active membranes working in polynomial space. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 22, 65–73 (2011). [link] [preprint]
  33. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: P systems with active membranes: Trading time for space. Natural Computing. 10, 167–182 (2011). [link] [preprint]
  34. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Elementary active membranes have the power of counting. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. 2, 329–342 (2011). [link] [preprint]
  35. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Complete problems for a variant of P systems with active membranes. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. 13, 197–207 (2010). [link] [preprint]
  36. Porreca, A.E., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Non-confluence in divisionless P systems with active membranes. Theoretical Computer Science. 411, 878–887 (2010). [link] [preprint]
  37. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Introducing a space complexity measure for P systems. International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control. 4, 301–310 (2009). [link] [preprint]
  38. Porreca, A.E., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Complexity classes for membrane systems. RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications. 40, 141–162 (2006). [link] [preprint]

Conference and workshop papers

  1. Porreca, A.E.: Unconventional complexity classes in unconventional computing (extended abstract). In: MCU 2024 to appear. [preprint]
  2. Doré, F., Perrot, K., Porreca, A.E., Riva, S., Rolland, M.: Roots in the semiring of finite deterministic dynamical systems. In: Gadouleau, M. and Castillo-Ramirez, A. (eds.) Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, 30th IFIP WG 1.5 International Workshop, AUTOMATA 2024. pp. 120–132. Springer (2024). [link] [preprint]
  3. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Margara, L., Porreca, A.E.: Decidability of sensitivity and equicontinuity for linear higher-order cellular automata. In: Martín-Vide, C., Okhotin, A., and Dana, S. (eds.) Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 13th International Conference, LATA 2019. pp. 95–107. Springer (2019). [link]
  4. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Solving QSAT in sublinear depth. In: Hinze, T., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 19th International Conference, CMC 2018. pp. 188–201. Springer (2019). [link] [preprint]
  5. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Simulating counting oracles with cooperation. In: Orellana-Martín, D., Păun, G., Riscos-Núñez, A., and Andreu-Guzmán, J.A. (eds.) Seventeenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 109–116. Fénix Editora (2019). [link]
  6. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Shallow laconic P systems can count. In: Păun, G. (ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC20. pp. 415–427. Editura Bibliostar (2019).
  7. Dennunzio, A., Dorigatti, V., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Polynomials over the semiring of dynamical systems. In: Baetens, J.M. and Kutrib, M. (eds.) Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, 24th IFIP WG 1.5 International Workshop, AUTOMATA 2018 Ghent, Belgium, June 20-22, 2018, Exploratory Papers. pp. 85–92 (2018). [link]
  8. Dennunzio, A., Dorigatti, V., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Polynomial equations over finite, discrete-time dynamical systems. In: Mauri, G., El Yacoubi, S., Dennunzio, A., Nishinari, K., and Manzoni, L. (eds.) Cellular Automata, 13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2018. pp. 298–306. Springer (2018). [link] [preprint]
  9. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Solving a special case of the P conjecture using dependency graphs with dissolution. In: Gheorghe, M., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 18th International Conference, CMC 2017. pp. 196–213. Springer (2018). [link] [preprint]
  10. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Characterizing PSPACE with shallow non-confluent P systems. In: Orellana-Martín, D., Păun, G., Riscos-Núñez, A., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) Sixteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 109–122 (2018). [link]
  11. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A Turing machine simulation by P systems without charges. In: Dinneen, M.J. and Nicolescu, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the Asian Branch of International Conference on Membrane Computing (ACMC2018). pp. 213–221 (2018). [link]
  12. Alhazov, A., Belingheri, O., Freund, R., Ivanov, S., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Purely catalytic P systems over integers and their generative power. In: Leporati, A., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 17th International Conference, CMC 2016. pp. 67–82. Springer (2017). [link] [preprint]
  13. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Shallow non-confluent P systems. In: Leporati, A., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 17th International Conference, CMC 2016. pp. 307–316. Springer (2017). [link] [preprint]
  14. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Subroutines in P systems and closure properties of their complexity classes. In: Graciani, C., Păun, G., Riscos-Núñez, A., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) 15th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 115–128. Fénix Editora (2017). [link]
  15. Alhazov, A., Belingheri, O., Freund, R., Ivanov, S., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Semilinear sets, register machines, and integer vector addition (P) systems. In: Leporati, A. and Zandron, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC17). pp. 39–55 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  16. Alhazov, A., Belingheri, O., Freund, R., Ivanov, S., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Purely catalytic P systems over integers and their generative power. In: Graciani, C., Orellana-Martín, D., Riscos-Nuñez, A., Romero-Jiménez, Á., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 15–26. Fénix Editora (2016). [link]
  17. Alhazov, A., Belingheri, O., Freund, R., Ivanov, S., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Semilinear sets, register machines, and integer vector addition (P) systems. In: Graciani, C., Orellana-Martín, D., Riscos-Nuñez, A., Romero-Jiménez, Á., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 27–42. Fénix Editora (2016). [link]
  18. Belingheri, O., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: P systems with hybrid sets. In: Gheorghe, M. and Konur, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC 2016. pp. 34–41 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  19. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Reachability in resource-bounded reaction systems. In: Dediu, A.-H., Janoušek, J., Martín-Vide, C., and Truthe, B. (eds.) Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 10th International Conference, LATA 2016. pp. 592–602. Springer (2016). [link] [preprint]
  20. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A toolbox for simpler active membrane algorithms. In: Graciani, C., Orellana-Martín, D., Riscos-Nuñez, A., Romero-Jiménez, Á., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 247–268. Fénix Editora (2016). [link]
  21. Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E., Umeo, H.: The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem on higher-dimensional CA with multiple updating cycles. In: 2016 Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). pp. 258–261 (2016). [link] [preprint]
  22. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Preimage problems for reaction systems. In: Dediu, A.-H., Formenti, E., Martín-Vide, C., and Truthe, B. (eds.) Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 9th International Conference, LATA 2015. pp. 537–548. Springer (2015). [link] [preprint]
  23. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Tissue P systems can be simulated efficiently with counting oracles. In: Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., Sempere, J.M., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 16th International Conference, CMC 2015. pp. 251–261. Springer (2015). [link] [preprint]
  24. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Monodirectional P systems. In: Macías-Ramos, L.F., Păun, G., Riscos-Núñez, A., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 207–226. Fénix Editora (2015). [link]
  25. Mauri, G., Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Complexity classes for membrane systems: A survey. In: Dediu, A.-H., Formenti, E., Martín-Vide, C., and Truthe, B. (eds.) Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 9th International Conference, LATA 2015. pp. 56–69. Springer (2015). [link]
  26. Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Fixed points and attractors of reaction systems. In: Beckmann, A., Csuhaj-Varjú, E., and Meer, K. (eds.) Language, Life, Limits, 10th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2014. pp. 194–203. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  27. Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Cycles and global attractors of reaction systems. In: Jürgensen, H., Karhumäki, J., and Okhotin, A. (eds.) Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, 16th International Workshop, DCFS 2014. pp. 114–125. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  28. Freund, R., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Verlan, S., Zandron, C.: Flattening in (tissue) P systems. In: Alhazov, A., Cojocaru, S., Gheorghe, M., Rogozhin, Y., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 14th International Conference, CMC 2013. pp. 173–188. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  29. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Simulating elementary active membranes, with an application to the P conjecture. In: Gheorghe, M., Rozenberg, G., Sosík, P., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 15th International Conference, CMC 2014. pp. 284–299. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  30. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Constant-space P systems with active membranes. In: Macías-Ramos, L.F., Martínez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., Riscos-Núñez, A., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) Twelfth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 243–260. Fénix Editora (2014). [link]
  31. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Flattening and simulation of asynchronous divisionless P systems with active membranes. In: Alhazov, A., Cojocaru, S., Gheorghe, M., Rogozhin, Y., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 14th International Conference, CMC 2013. pp. 238–248. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  32. Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Enzymatic numerical P systems using elementary arithmetic operations. In: Alhazov, A., Cojocaru, S., Gheorghe, M., Rogozhin, Y., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 14th International Conference, CMC 2013. pp. 249–264. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  33. Zandron, C., Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E.: P systems with active membranes working in sublinear space. In: Gheorghe, M., Rozenberg, G., Sosík, P., and Zandron, C. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 15th International Conference, CMC 2014. pp. 35–47. Springer (2014). [link] [preprint]
  34. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Turing incompleteness of asynchronous P systems with active membranes. In: Valencia-Cabrera, L., García-Quismondo, M., Macías-Ramos, L.F., Martinez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., and Riscos-Núñez, A. (eds.) Eleventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 165–176. Fénix Editora (2013). [link]
  35. Leporati, A., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C., Mauri, G.: Improving universality results on parallel enzymatic numerical P systems. In: Valencia-Cabrera, L., García-Quismondo, M., Macías-Ramos, L.F., Martinez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., and Riscos-Núñez, A. (eds.) Eleventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 177–200. Fénix Editora (2013). [link]
  36. Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Reaction systems made simple: A normal form and a classification theorem. In: Mauri, G., Dennunzio, A., Manzoni, L., and Porreca, A.E. (eds.) Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, 12th International Conference, UCNC 2013. pp. 150–161. Springer (2013). [link] [preprint]
  37. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Sublinear-space P systems with active membranes. In: Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Gheorghe, M., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A., and Vaszil, G. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 13th International Conference, CMC 2012. pp. 342–357. Springer (2013). [link] [preprint]
  38. Alhazov, A., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: The computational power of exponential-space P systems with active membranes. In: Martínez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., Pérez-Hurtado, I., and Romero-Campero, F.J. (eds.) Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Volume I. pp. 35–60. Fénix Editora (2012). [link] [preprint]
  39. Alhazov, A., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Simulating EXPSPACE Turing machines using P systems with active membranes. In: Proceedings of the 13th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2012. pp. 31–34 (2012). [link] [preprint]
  40. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: P systems simulating oracle computations. In: Gheorghe, M., Păun, G., Salomaa, A., Rozenberg, G., and Verlan, S. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 12th International Conference, CMC 2011. pp. 346–358. Springer (2012). [link] [preprint]
  41. Porreca, A.E., Murphy, N., Pérez-Jiménez, M.J.: An optimal frontier of the efficiency of tissue P systems with cell division. In: García-Quismondo, M., Macías-Ramos, L.F., Păun, G., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Volume II. pp. 141–166. Fénix Editora (2012). [link] [preprint]
  42. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: P systems with elementary active membranes: Beyond NP and coNP. In: Gheorghe, M., Hinze, T., Păun, G., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 11th International Conference, CMC 2010. pp. 338–347. Springer (2011). [link] [preprint]
  43. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Elementary active membranes have the power of counting. In: Martínez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., Pérez-Hurtado, I., Romero-Campero, F.J., and Valencia-Cabrera, L. (eds.) Ninth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 329–342. Fénix Editora (2011). [link]
  44. Mauri, G., Leporati, A., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Computational complexity aspects in membrane computing. In: Ferreira, F., Löwe, B., Mayordomo, E., and Mendes Gomes, L. (eds.) Programs, Proofs, Processes, 6th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2010. pp. 317–320. Springer (2010). [link] [preprint]
  45. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Complete problems for a variant of P systems with active membranes. In: Martínez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., Pérez-Hurtado, I., and Riscos-Núñez, A. (eds.) Eight Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 255–266. Fénix Editora (2010). [link]
  46. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Zandron, C.: On a powerful class of non-universal P systems with active membranes. In: Gao, Y., Lu, H., Seki, S., and Yu, S. (eds.) Developments in Language Theory, 14th International Conference, DLT 2010. pp. 364–375. Springer (2010). [link] [preprint]
  47. Porreca, A.E., Murphy, N.: First steps towards linking membrane depth and the Polynomial Hierarchy. In: Martínez-del-Amor, M.Á., Păun, G., Pérez-Hurtado, I., and Riscos-Núñez, A. (eds.) Eight Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. pp. 255–266. Fénix Editora (2010). [link] [preprint]
  48. Valsecchi, A., Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: An efficient simulation of polynomial-space Turing machines by P systems with active membranes. In: Păun, G., Pérez-Jiménez, M.J., Riscos-Núñez, A., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Membrane Computing, 10th International Workshop, WMC 2009. pp. 461–478. Springer (2010). [link] [preprint]
  49. Porreca, A.E., Leporati, A., Mauri, G., Zandron, C.: Introducing a space complexity measure for P systems. In: Gutiérrez-Escudero, R., Gutiérrez-Naranjo, M.Á., Păun, G., Pérez-Hurtado, I., and Riscos-Núñez, A. (eds.) Seventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Volume II. pp. 213–223. Fénix Editora (2009). [link]

Book chapters

  1. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: A gentle introduction to membrane systems and their computational properties. In: Song, T., Zheng, P., Wong, M.L.D., and Wang, X. (eds.) Bio-Inspired Computing Models and Algorithms. pp. 1–32. World Scientific (2019). [link] [preprint]
  2. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Open problems in membrane computing and how not to solve them. In: Graciani, C., Riscos-Nuñez, A., Păun, G., and Rozenberg, G. (eds.) Enjoying Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. pp. 182–191. Springer (2018). [link] [preprint]
  3. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Tissue P systems in the Euclidean space. In: Gheorghe, M., Petre, I., Pérez-Jiménez, M.J., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A. (eds.) Multidisciplinary Creativity: Homage to Gheorghe Păun on His 65th Birthday. pp. 118–128. Editura Spandugino (2015). [preprint]

Technical reports

  1. Gaze-Maillot, C., Porreca, A.E.: Profiles of dynamical systems and their algebra. arXiv e-prints. (2020). [link] [preprint]
  2. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Open problems in membrane computing and how not to solve them. Bulletin of the International Membrane Computing Society. 5, 67–76 (2018). [link]
  3. Leporati, A., Manzoni, L., Mauri, G., Porreca, A.E., Zandron, C.: Space complexity of P systems with active membranes: A survey. Bulletin of the International Membrane Computing Society. 3, 41–54 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  4. Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E.: Dualistic open problems in membrane computing. Bulletin of the International Membrane Computing Society. 4, 113–117 (2017). [link] [preprint]
  5. Azimi, S., Gratie, C., Ivanov, S., Manzoni, L., Petre, I., Porreca, A.E.: Complexity of model checking for reaction systems. TUCS Technical Reports. 1122, (2014). [link]

Volumes edited

  1. Dennunzio, A., Formenti, E., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E. eds: Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, 23rd IFIP WG 1.5 International Workshop, AUTOMATA 2017. Springer (2017). [link]
  2. Mauri, G., Dennunzio, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E. eds: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Special Issue: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 2013. World Scientific (2014). [link]
  3. Mauri, G., Dennunzio, A., Manzoni, L., Porreca, A.E. eds: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, 12th International Conference, UCNC 2013. Springer (2013). [link]